Thursday, May 5, 2011

Swim, Bike, Run and Eat

Not particularly in that order.

Hah. Not me. Bertuah. The kids. We went on a short holiday in a resort by the beach in Penang. At first I wanted to expose them to mandi laut. But the beach wasn't the way I pictured in my mind. The water was murky and the waves were crazy. So we went to plan B.

 Yup, clothes and all. No worries, everybody there jumped in the pool like this. 

Again, not me. Just saw the guys from the Interstate Ride passing by my kampung before we went for our Penang trip. I even rolled down my car window and went , " Yay, Interstate!" to one of the solo riders, who looked at me like I'm a loony bin.
Yay, Interstate. ( Takat yay je la, nak join kirim salam.)

Me. Me. Usual story about running. Bla bla bla. 
Building up my mileage for SCKLM. Trying to reach a certain goal. Am really worried that my training won't be enough. Last Saturday baru buat 8 miles. Ni dah masuk May. Sempat ke ni? Hoih.

Haa.. yang ni paling best. Bes ooo makan.
We googled some recommended places to eat in Penang. Yo yo je. There was this website about great eating places in Penang. Kami pun bulat-bulat la percaya.
For dinner we went to this mee place. Website gave them 9/10 in flavor. Their specialty  was mee kuah ayam. So we ordered that along with mee goreng ayam and mee goreng extra pedas.
But it's either orang buat website tu tak reti rasa makanan, or they were out of cili boh, or they changed their cook. 
Tak. Sedap.Pun.
Malas la nak boh nama kedai apa sebab pakcik and makcik jaga kedai tu sangat baik.
Eleh, tak sedap pun abis jugak. Choih.

Tak puas hati punya pasal, we went to another place this website recommended. Konon best nasi lemak ayam in Penang, sanggup kami dinner 2 kali.
This one was a bit better. Tapi not the best in Penang definitely.  

Pembuat website tu kan, baik tutup je fooodie's blog dia tu. Tekak tak best langsung.

Pastu kan, we thought about having dinner the 3rd time later that night at Nasi Kandar Beratoq. But kesian the kids la, I heard that you have to put up with a long queue (hence the name) before you get your nasi kandar. Plus it opens a bit too late.
Next time, Gadget. Next time. 

The next day, we went out early to get our nasi kandar breakfast at Kampung Melayu. We felt a bit guilty watching Penang  runners doing their LSD loop near our resort. Rasa cam nak lari je.

 Sebab ni lagi best. Heh heh.

Ok, itu sudah crita basi. Today is already Thursday.
Back to square one. 


  1. hahah, this is a funny one :) scklm u doing full ?? dont worry lah doc, how also u will pull it off .. aiming for sub 4?

  2. Aiseymang! Lupa kisah nak give you a howl. But it was 160km already, so I cuma dok pikiaq nak sampai je, tak pandang kiri kanan dah. Paneh betui Tepen masa tuh, tambah pulak baru lepaih Bukit Gantang :D

  3. selagi sihat dan boleh makan, silalah makan. Jangan makan sapai overdos sudahlah

  4. wah lapaq nengok makanan tu...ingatkan entri masuk PD Tri daa,,

  5. Nasi kandaq, oh nasi kandaq penang... memang terbaek lah!
    Haa aku tau, ada lagi yg korang makan tp tak kasi kluar ini blog, takut orang kata buruk lantak, kan? kan? Hahaha

  6. KakJune: FM? no la. This year FM is put on a hiatus. I'm a halfie now. Takde masa la nak treneng utk FM, what's with work and my kids starting school.
    Diket: Tau, taim kami terserempak ngan geng interstate kat Bukit Merah tu mmg paneh lit-lit. marshall korang tunjuk jalan bukit curam tu ke Bukit Merah. Actually there's a more flatter route. Saje kot nak test power korang. heh heh.
    Zul: Skali skala tu overdose jugak. Tapi kita cover ngan eksersais, boleh gitu?
    Ray: PD Tri? Hah, you wish.
    Zacky: Haha..mana tau ni? adaaa..sebelum sampai Penang tu kami lunch kat nasi campur terbaek punya kat Simpang 5 Nibong tebal. Pastu sampai resort depa jamu lunch lagi, kami pun pulun lunch 2 kali..haha. Tak dan tangkap gambar.
    KakJune again: haa..korang buat apa kat Ray sampai dia merajuk..

  7. kg melayu? tu kg aku tuuu haha..pandai ne hampa carik sik kandaq kg melayu..
    tempat2 lain tu awat tak tanya aku? bole la aku rekemen hehe

  8. Jas: La , sungguh no. Lupa hang orang Penang. Len kali kami mai penang, kami tanya hang. Senang ja cari kg melayu, Gps kan ada..kukui

  9. Saya kelik "like" untuk gambar last tu. Mana butang like ni?

  10. Gerb: laaa...ada tu..kat ataih batang idung..kuikui
