Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bonkety Bonk

You read it right. I bonked.For the second time this year. Heh heh. It's SCKLM Half revisited minus the hot sun.
But difference was, this time I had fun.
It's kinda weird how you could feel so bad and have fun at the same time. I guess last week was a good week. Maybe that explains it all.

Pre-race I guess I was kinda asking for it. We had a late breakfast and then decided before dropping off our kids at my sister's, we'd have our lunch late at Bangi. Manala nak tau semua orang Bangi nak makan Domino''s jugak at 3 :30 pm. As a result pizza sampai lewat, so we ate at around 4 ish. Pastu we polished half a can of my brother's "slimming mixed nuts". I don't get the concept of eating nuts to make you slim but hey, who can resist eating really expensive roasted almonds and pistachios especially when it's not yours.

Anyway, we got to Putrajaya at about 7. By that time, perut rasa kenyang lagi from all the pizza and nuts so I just ate a quarter of my prerace snack, a cream bun. Pastu, because during my last half, I didn't take any gels and only ran with a bottle of Gatorade, I figured I'd do the same in this race and managed to talk my husband in doing the same. Ya, satu lagi bad choice.

At about 8 berlegar-legar at race site and we bumped into our old schoolmate . Sembang-sembang, kutuk-kutuk, gelak-gelak , last-last terlepas nak cheer on the Full marathoners. Aisey.

Then at 8.10 pm , we went to line ourselves at the gantry. Baru la nampak the famous KakJune with her fans. Gile semua beratur nak tangkap gambar ngan dia. Tinggal diorang nak mintak sign autograph je lagi, Kak June oii..hehe. Had a quick chat and then we were off lining ourselves behind the starting line cam cattle.

Mak ai panasnya. Tak padan ngan malam cuaca lepas hujan. Tak start race lagi pun kiri kanan bau ashem.
Aku konon nak try pace 10:15/per mile. Up sikit la dari last HM.
Huh, hareeemmmm.

Mula-mula start lagi takde countdown apa pun. Sedor-sedor je 'pom' bunyik gun.
The thing I don't like about big races is, there's too much crowd (duh!)
Dia ni himpit dia ni. Dia ni pijak kasut dia ni. Dia ni pasang muka saiko nak menang. Dia ni  siku dia ni.
In small races, everyone is friendly. Almost everyone is like, " Hey, have fun". And the runners are more cheerful.
Yang ni, mula-mula race je pakat pasang game face masing-masing. Adoyai.
Tapi  not everybody la. Korang yang baca ni aku tau tak buat..heh heh.

But the thing is in big races, you'll meet all different kinds of interesting people on the road. Ramai gak yang tegur WW's barefootedness. WW pun pantang tengok rakan sekaki ayam, mesti pakat sembang and then aku pun terkial-kial nak catch up.

Anyway, frankly speaking I didn't really like the route. Sebelum ni pi Putrajaya tak penah pun perasan the rolling hills. Mak ai, route dia asyik naik turun je. Well, WW claimed dia naik turun but I felt that It was like 60% naik je. Naik elevation banyyaaaaakkkk, pastu turun ade la ciput pastu naik balik sampai kadang-kadang tu aku ingat diorang ni nak suruh lari sampai Genting kot. Define your inner strength konon.

Somewhere along the way I said hey to AzHana. Azza, I have this ability to 'cam' people from their backs. Don't ask me how. I just know. I can even cam some of the regular runners by the way they run. Anyway, man, she was doing so good. Aku ni macam separuh mati nak kayuh lagi 10K , dia steady je. Tabik!

After 10K mark which I felt took forever, my legs felt like jelly and I suddenly felt hungry. So walaupun, I was guzzling Gatorade every 2 miles or so, I downed half a pack of Powergel and washed it down with Gatorade lagi. Dapatla sugar rush dalam 5 minit pastu hancus balik. My tummy started churning pulak pastu side stich ada datang mari pulak. It was freaking hot and there was no breeze. But you know what helped?
The random conversation with strangers and fellow runners along the way. Best jugak sembang-sembang sambil lari-lari anak ni. Bila sembang-sembang buat lawak sambil bitch about the hills, sedar-sedar je your already on top of the incline and you're your way down.

What I loved most about this race is the support crew. Fuh, memang tip top. Dengan kumpulan gendangnya, dengan cheerleaders nya, dengan music Pittbull pasang full blast tengah-tengah God-knows-where, dengan metalic-mime people ( I don't know what you call them) sitting creepily atas jambatan cam hantu boncengnya, dengan volunteers yang sangat cheerful if not very helpful and committed nya.
In short, memang BEST GILE.
Aku yang separa nak tergolek atas jalan pon sangat terhibur.

Anyway, I lost count how many inclines we had to go through because I sucked at all of them. Tu la, sapa suruh tak training hills. Padan muko. Dekat nak habis pun ada bantai kasik incline lagi. Masa tu aku redha je la. I promised myself this time, tak larat camne pun taknak jalan We met Kam Kasturie along they way, who gently said, " It's okay, jalan je la". Haha, that's really easy to say coming from a guy who walks with the same pace as my running.
I hate hills shows on my face
(pic courtesy of Kam Kasturie) 
Racing towards the end was the nastiest part. It was a long straight road where you can see that you have to run towards the digital clock but it seems like it's light years away.

So lari lah daku pada tahap kura-kura with WW running backwards to support me. Dekat end of the line,  bila ada banyak orang at the sidelines cheering us on, baru la aku pasang turbo anak penyu nak masuk laut.
Maka bolehla dapat timing sub 2:30. Haha

End of the line, One nice volunteer said to me while handling my finisher's shirt,
" You're an S"
" Nope, " I said. " I think an M"
" Takde la kak, You're definately an S"
She made my day the most.
 With Azza and KakJune. Get to finally chat with you guys. Sorry as usual got to go early for the kids.
Sorry gambar blur sebab pakai C3 jo 

I finished at 2:29.
I wouldn't call this a personal worst. It's a all out effort in a condition that I can't control. I guess I just can't handle overheatedness and too many hills. That's all there is to it.
And the idea bijak bistari Gatorade made it all worse.
Because when I got back, I threw up all my Gatorade. One whole bottle of it.


  1. Suka hati org cakap you are one size down from what you say, eh?

    Congrats on the run. Beshnya, ada org amik gambar lari-lari lagi. Jeles arrr. Ni yang rasa nak masuk HM jugak ni. kakaka

  2. i saw u at the u-turn (yg kene naik platform tuh) i was like.. aikk dr julin turun putrajaya ker? - stranger

  3. Tak bawak pen tu yg tak sain otograf lol .. Ada2 jer doc ni ..great to see see you and nice smile hubby hehe and yes u definitely an S, kalau KJ yg jaga bagi XS !! U the so the very kecik in person :) (ok now can go makan Lebih hehe)

  4. Congrats Doc and WW barefooted lagi tu. Jalan cerita macam teruk sangat timing tapi tetap meletop jugak hehehe... Tapi err... yg mcm hantu bonceng tu err... seram pulak bila baca.

  5. Salah strategy la doc.... knp pakai seluar hitam?
    Your famous grey pants tu sidai tak kering lagi ke? No grey pants, no podium. Hehe

    Tapi boleh gak dpt timing 2:29 wlaupun termuntah2 Gatorade. Well done!

  6. sorry la JJ, macam2 i buat nak soh CK bagi green light kami pergi support PNM. last2 kak pah kecundang di rumah. kak pah sedih tak dapat otograp kak june, hehehe

    pasni jumpa kat penang la ye?

  7. Tak nampak pon korang???
    Huish! Kalu dapat timing camtu, I dah happy dah! Congrets!

  8. Lina: Meh la masuk. Sometimes it sucks midrace but at the end, you always want more (after the pain goes away la)
    Anon: Ni pesal malu-malu plak ni? Ye , kadang2 I buat jugak kemunculan kat race bandaraya just to meet up with friends mana yang sempat. Chewah
    KJ: Cayalah KJ. Next time kat PBIM I nak pasang paparazzi la untuk KJ ni. Boleh I jadi agent KJ? Heh heh
    Deo: Ngeh.Meletop la sangat. Biasa la race malam-malam macam-macam makhluk keluar. Jaga-jaga PBIM nanti..woooooooo

  9. Nik: Tu la, silap pakai grey pants buat pijama tidoq malam sebelum tu..aisey. Takpe, tunggu la next race, mesti minah-minah Kenya lari ketakutan..huahuahua
    Jaja: Tu la, silap besar tak datang tau kalau tak boleh jual otograp kat Ebay. Takpa, kami jadi agent, hangpa jadi personal stylist KJ..heh heh.
    Zacky: Mana la nak nampak sebab you're in a different league dari kami yang league cinonet nih..huhu. Lain kalu yui kena tempah neon sign besaq-besaq. Baru leh nampak yui.

  10. Haha u and jaja sama naik .. Kj pun last minute dpt green light ..balik my girl's graduation dah 4pm plus, mandi terus keluar lagi .. Was hoping jaja made it!! See u girls PBIM. Bawak pen, lol.

  11. Congrats Doc JJ, lari teruk pon sub 2:30...kami pun sangt rugi tak dapat ke PNM...rugi x dapat tengok Zack yang makin gebu...he he

  12. alahai Doc JJ, jgn puji azza sgt..kang i cepat lemau hehe! Race mmg best esp part jumpa superheroes Superman, Batman, Spiderman..kena highfive, nak amik berkat kononnya..kehkehkeh!

  13. Huru hara je nampak ye? Ye la, kadang-kadang kita terlalu sempoi approaching race, maka bawak la bekal asam boi lain kali. Anyway, Alhamdullillah safely complete. Still kena tabik kat both of you!

  14. yay, last! lol
    laa, ada situ ke? hari tu jumpa Syed je..

  15. nampak doc mencecah garisan penamat..tapi time tuh tatau itu adalah runningigi..hihi

  16. Phew, penatnya baru balik rumah. Anyway:
    KJ: Nanti saya bawak pen karerful ok
    Ray: Kami pun terlepas tgk kegebuan itu. Aisey
    Azza: Bukan puji. Kenyataan ! heheh. Yang hulk tu cam menakutkan sket.
    Diket: Asam boi ke asam girl ke, rasanya kalau dah lembik cam tu, the hulk bagik terajang sedas pun takde kesan. Hehe

  17. Zarin: I thought I saw Syed whiz by dengan seluar singkatnya. Hehe. Tak sempat lak nak tegur. Btw, nyeh nyeh ..tak last
    FAtahah: Ye ke? Saya ada tegur sorang suka rela betul2 kat garisan penamat. Nampak cam my junior during high school. Rupa-rupanya bukan. Buat malu je. InsyaAllah kalau U gi PBIM, kita jumpa

  18. as always your entry is funny and engaging. i wont stop reading if only you dont stop writing

  19. rasanya nampak doc kat finishing line..hehe tapi tatau itulah runningigi..hehe

  20. nadia: err then i guess i won't stop writing then..thanks;)
    fatahah: this is cute. Yep, noted the first time. BTW, perasan tak banyak jugak anak2 qasim/kassim jadik runners ni? hehe..idup anak kassim/qasim
