Rather late entry I know, but with nothing to do on this hot afternoon other than watching me other half kiwi-ing his shoes ( he's been doing that for an hour now) I reckon I better do this now before I forget the details.
Like I wrote before, this week's LSD was done on Friday morning. To tell you the truth, sometimes it's becoming a drag to wake up at 4.30 to prepare for that 5 am run. My mind screams," Why do I have to do this? Why can't I run a marathon without training?" And I envy all those people in their houses,still dark, still deep in their slumber. It's the same routine, I wake up, get dressed, have a snack, wake my parents to turn off the alarm so that we can go out and then, pound on. Yes, sometimes it is a drag and I'm just being human to admit that. On some days I can't wait for that LSD but last Friday was my blah day.
So anyway, we started at 5 am. You may be wondering, " Why do these crazy people start so early?." Well, we figured the earlier we start, the earlier we could finish and get back to the kids. I really hate to trouble my parents with the kids for too long even though they insisted that they didn't mind . And I really do wish I could run faster. Not to be the king of the road or anything but faster to get it over with sooner. But what to do meh? Slow pun slow la.
Anyway ( berapa banyak anyway da), like I said, we started pounding. 10 minutes into the run, two motorbikes going the opposite direction slowed when they came near us. We were a bit annoyed because we thought they were some jakun mat rempits. They didn't say a word and we couldn't see their faces due to their glaring lights. Only when they turned back did we realize that they were police officers on their patrolling shifts. Ye la kan, sape tak heran tengok orang lari pagi-pagi buta.In a kampung. Moreover, I was running in front and hub was running behind me. I betcha they thought I was being chased or something. But we were really glad to know these officers were doing their job to keep the area safe ( or at least make running safe for us)
We did our first loop of 10K or so and stopped for a pit stop solat at our house.Then we continued to run to the end of the kampung 's main road, back to my parent's house to complete at least 17KM. Made another compulsory pit stop as hub's pants were drenched in sweat and he had to change. The pants were squeaking each time he took a step and it was getting a bit annoying. We ventured on further to complete the remainder of the run.
As this was the furthest distance I ever ran, I tell ya, the last 5K went on forever. I don't know if I hit The Wall or not but I almost screamed ' Screw this' and stopped. My legs were fine, they didn't hurt other than the usual fatigueness but I just ran out of will I guess. But I hate to think that I'll have to qada this run another day if I didn't complete this, so I treaded on. I alternated walks and runs each 400m till the last KM. And when I was done, I was so glad to get the furthest LSD over with. And was so relieved that next week will only be 22K. It's funny, a year ago I would have never been glad to look forward to a 22k run.
Anyway, our last stop was back at our house and to think of walking/running back another 2 miles in the hot mid day sun to fetch the children at my parent's was so tiring ( our car was parked there also). And to top it all off, hub forgot that his motorcycle's keys were in the car. So he got on his bicycle and cycled back to my parent's house, fetched the keys and cycled back home. Why not just take the kids back? Well, he was imagining himself in a dualthlon and was so into it that he insisted to do that 4 mile cycle despite having cold clammy hands and stomach cramps ( I suspect he was dehydrated). Huh, men.
Anyway, we got back to my parent's house on the motorcycle. That sure ignited old memories, back to the time when we were just married and got around in KL on the motorbike. Although we had a car then, but getting around with the bike was much easier especially during traffic jams.
Itu je la kot. Well, that's our LSD story this week.
The end.
The orange cordial
1 month ago