Saturday, September 13, 2014

Taiping Run 2014 !

So, like I said before, we're back on our feet running.
Not much, just about 5K a day around the neighborhood.

It's kinda nice, when you run by and people you know raise their hands or give us a honk in recognition. Makes us feel like local celebrities kejap hihi.
Gile perasan.

We're now up to 30 minutes of running continuously. Might not be much for most of you but for us it's something big after ages of not running. Seriously back to square one, especially me, after my pregnancy.

But tu la kan, the racing bug tu mula la menggatal nak gigit. Baru je nak mula balik, start new, mula nak lari relax-relax dulu, I see this on FB

How in the world could I ignore this? Right there, smack in my backyard..
Saje je tau.

So join je lo.
3 months to build up to 12K

Drama much?


  1. King of bukit larut bulan 4 tau Doc.


  2. eee naik naik bukit ni takde la teman nak mencubenyeee..hihi

  3. orang kampung teman pun sibuk berlari. teman aje sibuk kayuh basikal. duk tenung2 jugak kasut lari yang dah mula berlapok. selamat berlatihan doc!

  4. kasut lapok boleh basuh incik. Anak2 ada untuk disuruh hahaha.
    Lari je le yang teman boleh, nek beska teman tak belen

  5. Uish.. rugi bebenor kalau tak masuk race belakang rumah ni... (tambah racun bagi lagi umph) hehehe

  6. Pandainye hang menambah perisa yeeee
