Monday, September 5, 2011

Temporary Fix

And still you guys keep coming here.
Thanks :)

You know what irony is?
Irony is a jar of lime green kelapa pandan cookies sitting next to the treadmill.
And I still can't figure out which one I'll choose.

My significant other has started his letihan. Seems that some others are on the bandwagon as well.
Argh you running nerds.

Sorry, sugar withdrawal.

Okay, treadmill wins.
But I get  ice cream afterwards, okay?
Today's running mantra will be " Almond pecan praline, almond pecan praline, almond pecan praline.."

             padan muko 


  1. Tak pasal-pasal bertakung ayaq liuq pepagi ni. Cis!

  2. Pergh tak tahan aduh! Dah laa bibirku bengkak tergigit masa makan tak baik lagi, ni pulak tengok gambo eskrem... tambah meleleh!
    SHRMZB JJ and WW from ZY and famili. :)

  3. Doc, cik abang awak lari laju berdesup la petang semalam kat tapak pesta poco2 sini. lepas gian kot.
    Nasib baik dia yg tegur saya dulu, itu pun selepas dia 'lap' kan saya satu round.

    P/s: since your treadmill won over the jar of lime kelapa pandan cookies.. can i have the cookies? U don't need them, do u?

  4. diket: ni dah tghari, dah2 la tu. pi lap.
    zacky: oo baru paham maksud SHRMZB. TKDSHRMZBJ Zacky! ( amik ko)
    KOG: Semestinya! HOA ( Heaven on earth)
    Nik: Saje je hantar reinforcement dari Tepeng, bagi kurang sket lemau(Konon)
    jawab p/s : TBLH (takbleh)
